Využití tradic v cestovním ruchu a jejich začlenění do strategických dokumentu

Title in English Application of Traditions in Tourism and its Incorporation into the Strategic Documents


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Recenzovaný sborník + CD ROM referátů z 11. mezinárodní konference na téma "Cestovní ruch, regionální rozvoj a školství - Využití tradic v cestovním ruchu"
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords cultural tradition; tourism; strategic documents; socio-cultural impacts of tourism
Description The contribution deals with traditions and its application in tourism. The analysis of strategic documents concerning tourism development verifies the real application of traditions for tourism purposes. The paper emphasises the existence of socio-cultural impacts of tourism that can negatively affect the real value of cultural traditions. And therefore this should be taken into the consideration. The final part of the paper involves the case study of traditions in Liberec region.
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