Syndrom horní hrudní apertury: léčba a dlouhodobé zkušenosti z chirurgického pracoviště


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Title in English Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Treatment and Long-term Experience from the Surgical Department


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pracovní lékařství
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Surgery incl. transplantology
Keywords compression of a nervous and vascular plexus;neurological symptoms;vascular symptoms;diagnostics of TOS;conservative treatment;surgical treatment
Description A thoracic outlet syndrome is not a very frequent syndrome affecting especially younger patients, predominantly women. Its symptomatology is caused by compression of a nervous and vascular plexus in a physiological isthmus in an upper thoracic aperture. The symptoms are divided to neurological and vascular ones. The treatment should always be conservative incl. rehabilitation unless the acute vascular incidence occurs, which is the indication for a surgical intervention. Authors describe in the paper their experience with diagnostics, treatment and its results at the surgical department which deals with the issue for a long time.
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