Kritika koncepce nezávislosti Evropské centrální banky v kontextu novely hlasovacích práv Rady guvernérů.

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Title in English Critique of the European Central Banks Independence Within the Context of the Amendment of the Governing Councils Voting Rights


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Ekonomická revue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords European Central Bank; central bank independence; voting rights of the Governing Board
Description The article is concerned with the analysis of the amendatory act of voting rights of the Governing Council of ECB. The rate of independence of national central banks of the EU member-states within the framework of the ESCB as well as the independence and responsibility of the ECB are analysed and widely discussed. Finally, several crucial problems are identified and an alternative institutional structure of ESCB is suggested.
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