Management System of International Environmental Reporting in Czech Republic


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RÁČEK Jaroslav

Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Economic and Social Aspects of Sustainable Development
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords Environmental reporting; Information system; Process analyses
Description The project Analysis and design of environmental data models and external EIS interfaces compatible with the EU was started at Masaryk University (MU) in Brno in October 2003 with support of Czech Ministry of Environment (ME). Objectives of this three years project are to perform a complete analysis of the current requirements for environmental reporting and for environmental data models and external interfaces, both from domestic and international (especially European) viewpoint, to perform analysis of significant data sources from the point of view of attributing and methodologies, to design and implement an exchangeable central data model (CDM), to prepare conversion of the existing sources of information into the CDM, to integrate the CDM into the existing structures of the information systems of the ME and the public administration and to create conditions for efficient use of data at both the national and international level. A considerable output of this project is a information system for management of international environmental reporting described in this paper.
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