The different lifestyles of elementary school female teachers as seen by themselves


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Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Teachers and Health 6
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Psychology
Keywords a lifestyle; the lifestyle genesis; the teachers profession
Description The study describes different lifestyles of the female teachers at elementary schools (n=216). Based on research, 14 types of lifestyle have been identified and shown to be conditioned by the factors of environment, upbringing and self-improvement. It has been proved that the most frequently occurring lifestyles are those characterized as performance-oriented and reflective, while they are conditioned by the upbringing and self-education. The most of the other lifestyles have rather been formed by the environment factors. The research has shown that female teachers tend to choose a lifestyle optimally corresponding to the character of their profession and consciously form it. We consider the lifestyle as an important category within pedeutology; its study and formation should be given appropriate attention within the professional teacher training and career analysis.
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