Životní podmínky Romů v České republice v mezinárodním srovnání v kontextu rizik etnického výzkumu


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English International Comparaison of Living Conditions of the Roma Community in the Czech Republic in the Context of Ethnical Research Limitations

KLÍČOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sociální exkluze a sociální inkluze menšin a marginalizovaných skupin
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords Living Conditions; Roma Community; Ethnical Research
Description The article deals with a comparison of living standards of the Roma/Gypsy in the European countries. The paper focuses on certain factors predominantly influencing the living conditions of Roma community and their inter-relationships with the major society such as geographical mobility, formal acceptance of the Roma community as an ethnic/national minority as well as awareness of the considerable proportion of the Roma in each country. The paper concentrates on education, access to labour market, health and housing. Roma belong to the most vulnerable groups affected by different risk factors often resulting into cumulative disadvantages (low skills, low level of social capabilities, low educational attainment, or long-term unemployment). Inter-play of mentioned effects often brings Roma into the spiral of mechanisms leading to social exclusion. As concerns methodological reflection, the attention is focused on the assessment of the problematic areas in the compared researches and on seeking the similarities among them. It also aims at pointing out the methodological and ethical difficulties faced by scientists who study Roma/Gypsy community or any other ethnic group.
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