Zisk a užitek plynoucí z poskytování služeb zaměstnanosti

Title in English Profit and benefit from providing employment services

ŽÍTEK Vladimír

Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Determinanty sociálneho rozvoja - Sociálne podnikanie II.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords Unemployment; profit; benefit; job mediation; jobseeker; effectiveness
Description Social field is often perceived in view of social approach and economic evaluation as public sphere, in that it is impossible to expect profit as priority aim and what more, often neither benefit in usual interpretation, because as benefit is considered expenditure in itself. Such statements are fortunately getting behind and rational access begins dominate, especially in context with achievement and evaluation of benefits of realized public expenditure programs. Category of profit has special position that is based on problem of ethics. Business ethics and justice of profit are included in condition of employment service effectiveness, because private funds attempt always at maximum of effectiveness and beyond it try to achieve this effectiveness in shortest time is possible.
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