Sociální ochrana a důchodový systém

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Title in English Social protection and pension system

SLANÝ Antonín KREBS Vojtch a kol.

Year of publication 2004
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description Investigated in this text is the modernization of pension systems. The emphasis is put on the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) in three main areas, which include pension adequacy, financial sustainability of pension systems and adapting to changing needs of society. The first part characterizes the government social benefits and definition of the benefits. The second part compares social welfare systems in the EU countries (EU 15). The third chapter is focused on the strategy of modernizing social protection in the EU countries followed by analysis of common goals of pension systems in these countries. The final part analyses existing experiences with functioning of the Notional Defined Contribution (NCD) model.
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