Etnické a regionální subjekty ve stranickém systému České republiky


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Title in English Ethnic and Regional Subjects in the Czech Party System

MAREŠ Miroslav

Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Středoevropské politické studie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Ethnic and regional parties; Moravian movement; Roma parties; Czech party system
Description The party family of ethnic and regional parties in the Czech Republic has a marginal position in the party system. At the beginning of the 90 s the Movement for self-governing democracy Society for Moravia and Silesia were relevant part of the system. Currently the Moravian, Roma, Polish and other ethnic or ethnoregional parties are not able to mobilise ethnic or regionally patriotic voters. On regional and muncipial level non-autonomous independent movements are important in some regions. In the Senate the Movement of Independents for a Harmonic Development of Muncipalities and Towns is represented by one Senator.
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