Hodnocení vzdělanostní báze v mikroregionálním kontextu

Title in English Evaluation of educational base in microregional context


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Standardizace veřejných služeb jako předpoklad efektivnosti rozvoje regionů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords educational base; microregion; evaluating approach
Description Papers analyze the regional centers as the development poles of the intelligence base. There are 203 micro regional centers in the database - the municipalities with the extended authority. Individual centers have been separated into 5 categories, in order of their influence on the development of the intelligence base. As the main criteria have been set down the character and importance of the universities and quantity and nature of the high and medium schools. As the complement have been considered the technological parks and S&R institutions. The conclusions of the study describe the influence of the micro regional centers on the intelligence base in the Czech Republic and their dispersion in the area.
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