Probabilistic implementation of universal quantum processors

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Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Physical Review A
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Theoretical physics
Keywords quantum information theory; entanglement; quantum computing
Description We present a probabilistic quantum processor for qudits. The processor itself is represented by a fixed array of gates. The input of the processor consists of two registers. In the program register the set of instructions (program) is encoded. This program is applied to the data register. The processor can perform any operation on a single qudit of the dimension $N$ with a certain probability. If the operation is unitary, the probability is in general $1/N^2$, but for more restricted sets of operators the probability can be higher. In fact, this probability can be independent of the dimension of the qudit Hilbert space of the qudit under some conditions.
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