Jihlava: pól hospodářského rozvoje kraje Vysočina?

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Title in English Jihlava: the pole of the economic development in Vysočina region?


Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Regionální politika kandidátských zemí před vstupem do Evropské unie. Sborník referátů z mezinárodní konference.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords Jihlava; Vysočina region; foreign investments; regional development
Description In this article the authors evaluate the position of Jihlava in relation to the economical centres of the region from the late 80s up unitl the present time. The significant foreign investments connected mainly with one of the biggest German industrial company Robert Bosch GmbH altered the Jihlava position. Bosch Diesel itself employs 4,3 thousands labourers in Jihlava. The location of this company in Jihlava influences the orientation of production at many of Jihlavas traditional industrial companies. Higher salaries are attractive not only for people living in Jihlava or its surrounding area, but also for those from other districts within the region as they are higher than the standard Czech salaries. Jihlavas gravitational area for work is enlarging.
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