Changes of body image during adolescence: relationship to self-esteem and self-efficacy


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VALÁŠKOVÁ Magdalena JEŽEK Stanislav MACEK Petr

Year of publication 2002
Type R&D Presentation
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description This study examines the relationships among body satisfaction, self-esteem, and self-efficacy in adolescents. Body image and body satisfaction are suggested as important factors of global self-evaluation. A stronger association between these variables were found in girls than in boys. However, there are also other results, which showed stronger relationships between self-esteem and body satisfaction in boys. Moreover, the level of self-esteem is strongly related to timing of pubertal body changes. Younger adolescents (n = 355, average age 14 years) and older adolescents (n = 274, average age 18 years) reported their demographic information, body satisfaction, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. Preliminary results show stronger relationships between body satisfaction and self-esteem than between body satisfaction and self-efficacy, especially in girls. In regard to two age groups, no significant differences were found.
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