Anion Transport by Bambusuril-Bile Acid Conjugates: Drastic Effect of the Cholesterol Content

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TORRISI Jacopo CHVOJKA Matúš JURČEK Pia Yasmine ZHANG Xinxin ZENG Huaqiang ŠINDELÁŘ Vladimír VALKENIER Hennie

Year of publication 2025
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Angewandte Chemie International Edition
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Supramolecular Chemistry; Anion transport; Anion Channels; Macrocycles; Bambusurils
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Description Artificial anion transporters offer a potential way to treat deficiencies in cellular anion transport of genetic origins. In contrast to the large variety of mobile anion carriers and self-assembled anion channels reported, unimolecular anion channels are less investigated. Herein, we present a unique example of a unimolecular anion channel based on a bambusuril (BU) macrocycle, a well-established anion receptor. The BU structure was expanded by appending various bile acid residues allowing a single molecule to span the membrane. Chloride transport mediated by BUs through lipid bilayers was investigated in liposomes and these studies revealed a surprisingly high dependence of the anion transport activity on the cholesterol content in the liposomal membrane.
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