Postindustriální společnost a její vliv na změny funkčního využití průmyslových ploch ve městech: případová studie Brna.

Title in English Post-Industrial Society and Its Impacts on Changes in Functional Use of Industrial Land in Cities: The Case Study of Brno


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Člověk, stavba a územní plánování 17.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords Post-industrial society, urban environment, industrial sites, brownfields, Brno city
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Description During the industrial era, cities grew fast and their spatial structure changed dramatically due to the construction of industrial plants and their technical infrastructure and the introduction of rail transport. Industrial sites in cities were created as flagships of economic growth, but their heyday has passed and they have been challenged in the past thirty years in terms of their capacity, efficiency, and utility. Due to deindustrialization and industrial closure, there are more and more sites that have changed their function. The kind of function that they get after being rid of their industrial purpose depends largely on the priorities of their owners who are often influenced by overall trends in society and economic profit. With the coming of the post-industrial society, people have been prone to ownership and goods consumption, which has resulted in the change in their values (e.g. popularity on social media) and, subsequently, demands (e.g. Internet access in public spaces). Since it is people who create urban environment, a process of modern transformation of cities has started. To see the depiction of these changes in industrial structures in cities, a comparative analysis of specific urban areas can provide necessary information. This paper aims at identifying functional changes in selected industrial areas in the city of Brno in relation to the trends that have occurred among members of the post-industrial society. Based on the literature review, trends and characteristics of post-industrial urban environment were identified. Methods of comparison, synthesis, and observation were used to analyze four areas within the inner city: areas north of Zabrdovicka Street, south of Krenova Street, the junction of Zvonarka and Dornych streets and areas along Herspicka Street. The purpose was to describe processes happening in each area from 2001 to 2021. Desk research and the analysis of both historical and modern resources and maps have shown that there have been significant changes in spatial organization and function in all four studied areas. The most important changes include commercial development along Herspicka Street and the demolition of the Zbrojovka factory.
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