Philosophy of Education in the On-Life Era: The Journey Towards a New Conceptualization of Learning


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ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2025
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In the infosphere era, the philosophy of education must evolve to address new methods of learning and knowledge communication. The infosphere era is characterized by the presence of data and rapid technological advancements, calling for a reevaluation of traditional educational frameworks. It recognizes the importance of developing digital literacy, fostering adaptability, and nurturing skills for navigating an ever-changing educational landscape. Education must now prepare learners to thrive in a complex, interconnected world where the boundaries between information, technology, and human experience are increasingly blurred. Philosophy of Education in the On-Life Era: The Journey Towards a New Conceptualization of Learning offers a comprehensive view of the transformation of the philosophy of education in the infosphere age. It uses Luciano Floridi's of transforming educational process ideas, as well as Heideggrian phenomenology and pragmatism to highlight aspects of contemporary philosophy of education and perspectives for effective solutions. This book covers topics such as educational technologies, information literacy, and pedagogy, and is a useful resource for philosophers, education professionals, professors, teachers, academicians, scientists, and researchers.

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