Obraz žádoucích oblastí psychologické podpory a hodnocení dostupnosti psychologické péče pohledem onkologických pacientů s karcinomem plic: Pilotní studie


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English A mapping of desirable areas of psychological support and assessment of access to psychological care from the perspective of lung cancer patients: A pilot study


Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Significant changes in the epidemiology of lung cancer have been observed in the recent past (an increase in the number of detections of this malignant neoplasm in lifelong non-smokers, an increasing percentage of women and an increased number of diagnosed persons in younger age groups). As part of a comprehensive approach to cancer treatment, psychological care plays an important role, especially in the process of coping with the diagnosis, the treatment process and its negative consequences, and the changed quality of life. The mixed research design of the study mapping the availability and use of psychological care for a specific group of cancer patients used a combination of a questionnaire survey and in-depth semi-structured interviews with a sample of 17 respondents aged between 29 and 76 years (m = 57 years, 58% female). The main themes identified for interventions were lay explanation of the planned course of treatment, help with processing and accepting the diagnosis, and help with mind-set for coping with treatment. Available psychological support options were rated as inadequate. The IPA results yielded several themes that probands closely associated with their illness: physical decline, exercise as an important coping strategy and means of self-care, and the need for social support. The paper highlighted the fact that in the case of cancer, the possibility of using psychological support in the context of the most comprehensive and effective treatment of patients should be standard.
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