Atraktivita maloobchodní aglomerace a spotřebitelské preference : příklad města Brna

Title in English Retail agglomeration attractiveness and consumer preferences : the case of Brno city


Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description With increasing competition in the retail market and the growing trend of online shopping, it is increasingly important for retailers to find ways to differentiate themselves and remain competitive. One approach to achieve this is to form and operate in retail agglomerations that bring synergistic benefits and attractive environments for consumers and retailers. This paper aims to identify, compare and interpret the factors that make retail agglomerations attractive to consumers. Based on theoretical approaches and other similar studies outside the Czech Republic, the findings are applied to a specific case study, a retail agglomeration in the city of Brno: the City Centre, OC Dornych and NC Galerie Vaňkovka. This area offers a wide range of goods and services in a relatively small area and is a unique shopping area of national importance in the Czech Republic, linking the historic centre with a renowned and highly exposed shopping centre. The questionnaire survey (N=804) revealed that the most attractive factors for shoppers are time accessibility (most respondents have the area accessible within 30 minutes), excellent public transport accessibility and variety of shops. On the other hand, there were criticisms about parking options, atmosphere and spatial orientation. Other suggestions to increase the attractiveness of the shopping agglomeration were directed to the reconstruction of the underpass that connects the historical centre with OC Dornych NC Galerie Vaňkovka, the placement of clear directional signs or applications for spatial orientation. Overall, retail agglomerations provide advantages for both customers and retailers and are a key element in the competitive retail environment. However, to achieve success, it is essential to carefully analyse the demographic characteristics and preferences of the target market and adapt retail strategies to this knowledge.

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