Determinants of territorial innovations in the macroregion of Visegrád countries: a seemingly unrelated probit analysis


AMPONSAH Odei Samuel LASISI Taiwo Temitope ELUWOLE Kayode Kolawole

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Review of Regional Research
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords Territorial innovations; ICT penetration; Technology licenses; International quality certificates; Patents; Informal competitions; Visegrad
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Description Technological innovations and research and development (R&D) areknown to have spillover effects on territorial growth and resilience. Therefore,analysing the relationship between technological innovations and R&D could pro-vide significant contributions to policies and strategies for regional growth. De-spite the importance of technological innovations and R&D to regional growth andresilience, fewer studies in transitional countries such as the Visegrad Four havefocused on examining these relationships. This paper therefore specifically aims atsimultaneously analysing the determinants influencing technological innovations andR&D in Visegrad countries by employing the bivariate probit model. The study alsofinds that foreign technologies, ICT technologies, external knowledge, membershipof economic and business associations, and patents positively influence technolog-ical innovations and R&D. Contrary, we find that fiscal policies and corruptionwere not significant factors capable of driving technological innovations and R&Din these countries. Capital cities in these macroregions of Visegrad countries arelikely to influence R&D activities. The main policy implication of the research isthat policymakers in the Visegrad Group aiming to improve and sustain territorialinnovations should consider forging extra-local linkages as well as investments inICT technologies and intellectual property rights.

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