The association between personality traits and perceived innovativeness


JIRÁSEK Michal SUDZINA František

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source International Journal of Business Innovation and Research
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords innovativeness; personality traits; Big Five; self-perception; meta-perception.
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Description The innovativeness of individuals is a building block of innovation in organisations. Previous research has indicated that certain personality traits are linked to individuals’ perceived innovativeness. We aim to shed further light on how these links differ by analysing self-and meta perceptions of innovativeness. We used a sample of Danish students as part of a broader personality project in which respondents filled out the Big Five inventory questionnaire (BFI-44) on the five personality traits and more detailed personality facets. The results showed that openness to experience and extraversion were positively associated with self-and meta-perceptions of innovativeness, while conscientiousness and neuroticism were associated positively with meta-perception only. Agreeableness was weakly associated with both types of perceptions but its direction was subject to change. Our results broadly support previous empirical studies. They also highlight that differences in perceptions depend on the perspective of the evaluator.

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