Kyjovice (okr. Znojmo) : Systematický výzkum v polohe „Sutny V“ v roce 2020 : Nálezová zpráva o provedení systematického archeologického výzkumu


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Title in English Kyjovice (Znojmo district) : Systematic research in the "Sutny V" site in 2020 : Findings report on the implementation of a systematic archaeological research

TÓTH Peter

Year of publication 2023
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The archaeological research uncovered the southern part of the long house no. D33 of the Linear Pottery culture, which was formed by 13 postholes. The uncovered part of the house had an approximately rectangular ground plan and a width of approximately 6.5 m. The outer rows of posts had smaller dimensions (uncovered width 30-60 cm, depth 10-20 cm), the inner rows of posts had larger dimensions (uncovered width 40-80 cm, depth 40-60 cm). The posthole F.H. 1793 was not part of house D33; it could probably represent an external structure with an unspecified relation to house D33. The house was bordered on the west side by construction pit no. 813 with an irregularly deep bottom, which was oriented in the NE-SW direction. On the east wall, the house was bordered by construction pit no. 835, which had an irregular oval shape and a markedly uneven bottom. Because the ground plan of house no. D33 of the Linear Pottery culture is located in a non-drainage area, where increased deposition of slope sediments occurs, archaeological situations are found at greater depths (40-60 cm) than in other parts of the site (approx. 20-40 cm). During the excavation, interesting stratigraphic relationships could be observed. While in the western part of the examined area, feature no. 813 follows the topsoil, in the eastern part of the examined area, feature no. 835 is covered by a cultural layer about 20-40 cm thick. However, both construction pits and part of the postholes are dug into the fossil soil, demonstrating pedogenesis during the Linear Pottery culture period. The results of the archaeological research enrich the knowledge about the issue of settlements and architecture of the Linear Pottery culture in Central Europe.
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