Assay of colistin A, B and colistin methanesulfonate in human plasma by LC-MS/MS and short-term plasma stability


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Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Klinicka Farmakologie a Farmacie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords colistin; CMS; quantification methods; clinical samples; critically ill
Description A simple liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay for the determination of colistin A and colistin B in human plasma was developed and validated. Plasma extraction was performed using Oasis HLB 1 ml cartridges, analysis was performed using Arion® Polar C18 (250×4,6mm; 5mm) column at 35°C. Mobile phases consisted of water containing 0,1% formic acid and methanol containing 0,1% formic acid (40:60, v/v) delivered at a flow rate of 0,8 ml/minute. Eluent was detected in the positive ion mode using electrospray ionization at the following transitions of mass to charge (m/z): colistin A 585,55 › 101,05; colistin B 578,5 › 101,15; and IS 602,4 › 101,1; 120,15; 86,15. Short-term stability tests of colistin and CMS were performed, at room temperature and 37°C, where the stability of both components decreases with increasing temperature. The presented paper is part of the Pharmacokinetics of Colistin in Critically Ill Patients With Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (COL-ECMO2022) study in which further results will be presented.
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