Environmentální téma v dějinách české a slovenské filosofie doby tzv. reálného socialismu


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Title in English Environmental Theme in the History of Czech and Slovak Philosophy during the Period of So-called Real Socialism


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia philosophica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://digilib.phil.muni.cz/handle/11222.digilib/digilib.78517
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/SPh2023-1-2
Keywords ecology; real socialism; normalization; philosophy; environment
Description Researching the history of environmental philosophical thinking in the context of the development of social conditions in our country (as opposed to abroad) has so far been rather neglected. At the same time, it is an essentially philosophical issue (resolving the relationship between man and the world), which is also gaining urgency in the context of the global environmental crisis. The text defends the opinion that original and authentic philosophical work was and remains a very important part of our spiritual culture. Researching the history of domestic philosophical thought makes sense, and in concrete forms it can offer remarkable inspiration even today. The following retrospective seeks to supplement the image of the history of our thinking (philosophy and science) with details and connections not yet revealed. It also seeks an answer to the question of the originality of our authors‘ thinking. Above all, it is a concretization of the historiographical view of some not quite satisfactorily captured stages of the history of our (Czech and Slovak) philosophy. Therefore, we will focus on a brief critical reflection of that dominant (Marxist) philosophy, while we leave the forms of thought of the unofficial (underground, samizdat) aside. As one of the remarkable aspects found, for example, we can consider the predominance of Slovak authors in the first half of the normalisation period (problems of the scientific and technological revolution). This was only subsequently complemented by efforts for a more systematic, generally philosophical view by Czech authors (especially R. Kolářský and J. Šmajs). In the assessment of the stage of „real socialism“ (or the period of normalization), we conclude that a simplified idea of complete official silence on environmental issues and denial of real problems and crisis manifestations cannot suffice.

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