Doklady středověkých a novověkých lidských aktivit v zalesněném terénu Chřibů : Případová studie systematické detektorové prospekce v trati Buchlovice - "Dubový díl"


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English The Evidence of Medieval and Modern Ages Human Activities in the Wooded Terrain Chřiby : A Case Study of Systematic Detector Prospection of the Buchlovice - "Dubový díl" site


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovácko : společenskovědní sborník pro moravsko-slovenské pomezí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Chřiby Mountains; Metal detectoring; High Medieval Ages; Early Modern Ages; Iron artefacts; Historical roads
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Description The study presents the results of a systematic metal detector prospection in the area of Buchlovice -"Dubový díl". This location was chosen as a model example of one of the main communication corridors within the wooded terrain of the Chřiby Hills. The aim was to observe the nature and intensity of human activities and their changes over time, with a focus on the period from the Medieval Ages to the Modern Ages.
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