Quasar UV/X-ray relation luminosity distances are shorter than reverberation-measured radius–luminosity relation luminosity distances


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KHADKA Narayan ZAJAČEK Michal PRINCE Raj PANDA Swayamtrupta CZERNY Bozena MARTÍNEZ-ALDAMA Mary Loli JAISWAL Vikram Kumar RATRA Bharat

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stad1040
Keywords quasars: emission lines; cosmological parameters; dark energy; cosmology: observations
Description We use measurements of 59/58 quasars (QSOs), over a redshift range 0.0041 <= z <= 1.686, to do a comparative study of the radius-luminosity (R - L) and X-ray-UV luminosity (L-X - L-UV) relations and the implication of these relations for cosmological parameter estimation. By simultaneously determining R - L or L-X - L-UV relation parameters and cosmological parameters in six different cosmological models, we find that both R - L and L-X - L-UV relations are standardizable but provide only weak cosmological parameter constraints, with L-X - L-UV relation data favouring larger current non-relativistic matter density parameter omega(m0) values than R - L relation data and most other available data. We derive L-X - L-UV and R - L luminosity distances for each of the sources in the six cosmological models and find that L-X - L-UV relation luminosity distances are shorter than R - L relation luminosity distances as well as standard flat ?CDM model luminosity distances. This explains why L-X - L-UV relation QSO data favour larger omega(m0) values than do R - L relation QSO data or most other cosmological measurements. While our sample size is small and only spans a small z range, these results indicate that more work is needed to determine whether the L-X - L-UV relation can be used as a cosmological probe.
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