Lost in the Transition: Czech Businesses Pivoting from the Centrally Planned Economy to Capitalism

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Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ENTERPRISE & SOCIETY
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

web https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/enterprise-and-society/article/lost-in-the-transition-czech-businesses-pivoting-from-the-centrally-planned-economy-to-capitalism/7F20E5AAE3482A3A8D791C8D844968ED
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/eso.2023.17
Keywords economic transition; oral history; business history; Czech Republic
Attached files
Description The Czech Republic often has been cited as an example of successful economic transformation. The available literature has primarily focused on changes in the macroeconomic environment, although the actions of economic agents at the microeconomic level have emerged as the crucial factor explaining this success. Based on 101 oral history interviews, this article offers the firsthand experiences, frustrations, challenges, and human dimensions of doing business at that time and shows that the road from socialism to the market economy was a bumpy one. Our approach fills major information voids, and thus offers a unique opportunity for business historians to avoid slipping into the incomplete view of the world presented by written literature and archives.
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