Measuring Psychological capital in the Slovak language : Validation of the revised Compound PsyCap Scale (CPC-12R_SK)

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Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Československá psychologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Keywords Psychological capital; well-being; satisfaction; engagement; staying intentions; Big-five; CPC-12R
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Description Objective. Although Psychological capital has encountered increasing research interest in recent years, the scale for measuring PsyCap is absent in the Slovak language. In the present pre-registered study, the authors provide the initial results of the adaptation of the Revised Compound Psychological Capital Scale to the Slovak language. Method. A cross-sectional study with N = 262 people has been conducted. CPC-12R and measures of theoretically related constructs have been used. Results. With regards to evidence for factor validity, the authors found that the default higher-order model (PsyCap as a second-order factor & four first-order dimensions – hope, optimism, self-efficacy, and resilience) provided an acceptable fit to the data. With regards to evidence for convergent and divergent validity, the authors found that, as hypothesized, CPC-12R was related to a set of variables covering: A) a more specific work-related domain, B) more general well-being, and also C) more stable personality traits. More specifically, the scale correlated with work satisfaction, staying intentions, and three aspects of engagement (namely vigor, absorption, and dedication). Furthermore, the scale correlated with subjectively perceived stress, life satisfaction, and emotional components of habitual well-being. The scale was also related to Big-five personality domains, such as extraversion, conscientiousness, and negative emotionality, but not to the aesthetic sensitivity facet (considered as evidence for divergent validity). With regard to evidence for concurrent validity, the authors found that CPC-12R was strongly related to PCQ12 and both scales were related to other variables of interest to a similar degree. Limitations. Cross-sectional design and convenience sampling.
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