Triangulation of Theoretical and Empirical Conceptualizations Related to the Rule of Law

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Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Hague Journal on the Rule of Law
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Rule of law; Legal consciousness; Quantitative assessment; Triangulation; WJP; Empirical measurement; Conceptualization
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Description Triangulation of the various methodological approaches towards the rule of law is highly desirable since it allows the combination of benefits and elimination of problematic aspects in each. The present article triangulates the conceptualizations of three approaches relating to the rule of law, namely Bedner’s review of the rule of law theories, the World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index, and the review by Horák et al. of empirical measurement of legal consciousness, and identifies the most significant problem as a lack of communication between them. More precisely, the theoretical conceptualizations are not fully prepared for empirical measurement, and the empirical tools do not reflect the theoretical debate and its outcomes. Therefore, a new conceptualization of the rule of law is proposed to overcome these issues and consequently make the empirical measurement more valid.
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