Imersivní virtuální realita ve vzdělávání : SWOT analýza

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Title in English Immersive virtual reality in education : A SWOT analysis

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogická orientace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords virtual reality; review study; SWOT analysis; technology in education
Description Immersive virtual reality is a significant trend in educational technology. This qualitatively oriented review study describes the most influential (by citations) studies in the SCOPUS database that deal with immersive virtual reality in education. This is a significant trend that can transform the nature of education in terms of its form, content, or competencies developed. This review study analyses 15 texts from the SCOPUS database. It focuses on the SWOT analysis resulting from these texts and reflects on the educational possibilities of using this technology in education. Thus, we do not aim at a comprehensive view of the whole issue but at identifying the most significant strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and threats in the texts that have the most significant impact on the production of professional (and secondarily educational-application) discourse. The study shows that, despite the real problems and limitations of this technology (in terms of technical processing and knowledge in pedagogy and psychology), it is a topic that needs a high level of attention, as it allows for a fundamental transformation of some educational practices.
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