Effect of prestige and CREDs on intergroup aggression


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description We investigate how aggression towards enemy out-group spreads among in-groups during intergroup conflicts. Focusing on the role of learning biases, we tested whether prestige and credibility enhancing displays of in-group leaders motivate other in-groups to participate in intergroup aggression. Using a minimal group paradigm and an intergroup prisoner’s dilemma with maximized differences on a Czech sample, our results show that the transmission of intergroup aggression is promoted by credibility enhancing displays and by the prestige of group leaders, not their dominance. Furthermore, taking advantage of the naturally occurring event, the storming of the US Capitol, we studied whether group affiliation influences how Americans perceive the aggressive behavior of the shooting officer and shot A. E. Babbitt. Our findings suggest that the group affiliation and the support for the storming predict perceived prestige and dominance diversely for both actors. We conclude that given the context of an intergroup conflict, leaders can increase participation in aggressive behaviors towards out-groups by prestigious motivation, sidestepping the coercive pathway of dominance.
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