Monogeneans and chubs: ancient host-parasite system under the looking glass

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Year of publication 2022
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Monogenea (ectoparasitic Platyhelminthes) and their fish hosts represent one of the best models for studying host-parasite evolutionary relationships using cophylogenetic approach. These parasites developed remarkably high host specificity, where each host species often serves as potential host for its own host-specific monogenean species. We investigated cophylogenetic relationships of monogenean Dactylogyrus and their Squalius hosts (Cypriniformes). Thirteen Dactylogyrus species were collected from 20 out of 29 investigated Squalius species. The phylogenetic relationships of both parasites and hosts were based on multilocus approach. Cophylogenetic analyses were based on dual approach: distance-based methods allowed to calculate patristic distances for parasite and host phylogenies to assess the significance of global fit and individual coevolutionary links; and event-based methods allowed to test importance of each coevolutionary event in the host-parasite phylogenies. Phylogenetic reconstruction revealed polyphyletic origin of Dactylogyrus species parasitizing Squalius. Although, the distance-based methods did not reveal statistically significant global cophylogenetic structure, several host-parasite links among Iberian endemic species were revealed to contribute significantly to the overall structure. The highest host range and associated genetic variability were recorded in D. folkmanovae, parasitizing nine Squalius species, and D. vistulae, parasitizing 13 Squalius species. Two different dispersion mechanisms and morphological adaptations to potential fish hosts were well reflected in contrasting cophylogenetic patterns for these two generalist species in our study. While cospeciation plays important role in diversification within D. folkmanovae, D. vistulae diversification is driven mainly by host switching.
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