Life and Learning of Digital Teens : Adolescents and digital technology in the Czech Republic

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Year of publication 2022
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This book is the result of a multi-year research collaboration focused on the role of digital technologies in the everyday lives and learning of present-day adolescents in the Czech Republic. In contrast to earlier publications and studies, this book discusses the topics of adolescent life and learning with digital technologies in several unique ways. The book presents the results of research aimed at investigating and describing how digital technologies enter the everyday lives and learning of adolescents across various contexts and environments. In comparison to other studies focused on one specific context, typically the school, we used a holistic approach and we focused on various contexts and on the manner in which they merge and overlap each other’s borders. We used several sources of empirical data to capture this complexly conceived phenomenon, which can be understood as another innovative element of our research and this book. We combined both qualitative and quantitative methods of research to better acquaint ourselves with the daily life of teens. At the same time, we listened carefully to the opinions of teens. This book is also unique in its focus on the lives and learning of adolescents with digital technologies in Central Europe, specifically in the Czech Republic, one of the countries whose modern history was notably scarred by the totalitarian Communist (socialist) regime. One important topic of our book is thus the problems of post-socialism, especially with regard to whether and to what extent this history plays a role in the questions and topics of today. The goal of this book is to improve the knowledge in the field of digital technologies in the lives and learning of young people today. Our research was inspired by many studies from other countries, and we included the results of international studies so that readers can form an idea of the life of young people in the Czech Republic and also consider the similarities and differences between our results and the results of previous studies.
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