Grammatical collocations in English essays written by Czech secondary school students


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Year of publication 2021
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The presentation introduces a study investigating frequency and accuracy of five types of grammatical collocations (G8E to G8I) according to The BBI Dictionary classification of collocations (Benson et al., 1986) in CZEMATELC, an English language learner corpus (3,483 types; 209,047 tokens) consisting of 1,830 English essays from the written part of the national school-leaving exam 2015-2019. The selected collocations correspond to the ‘Can Do Statements' of English Grammar Profile (EGP), which describe the skills commonly mastered by EFL learners at B1 CEFR level and which are required for successful certification. The verbs with the potential to appear in the studied collocations tend to prefer the patterns which are also the most frequent patterns of their Czech equivalents in the Czech National Corpus. Grammatical collocations G8E (V to-inf) and G8F (V inf), which can be found in learner production at A1-A2 CEFR levels, outnumber considerably collocations expected to appear at a B1 level, G8G (V -ing), G8H (V n to-inf) and G8I (V n inf). Consequently, these collocations should be taught explicitly with most verbs if secondary school learners are to acquire colligations at B1 CEFR level and use them more frequently.
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