Tržní selhání na regionálním trhu parkování

Title in English Market failure in the regional parking market


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords market failure; parking facilities; local market
Description The aim of the paper is to verify the existence of a market failure in the parking market in the city of Brno with regard to the possibility of providing public support for the construction or operation of parking garages. The paper deals with only one of the signs of market failure, which is the demonstration of imperfect competition. The existence of imperfect competition is conditioned by the dominant position on the market (market share of at least 40%). The market is defined on the basis of walking distance as a key factor for the use of a parking space and on the basis of the categorization of individual types of parking spaces (especially with regard to street parking and parking in car parks and parking garages and P + R parking). The performed analysis did not confirm the existence of imperfect competition on the parking market in the central part of the city of Brno.

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