The Transnationalization of Ethno-nationalism : The Case of the Identitarian Movement

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Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Intersections - East European Journal of Society and Politics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web article - open access
Keywords Transnationalization; Identitarian movement; radical right; ethno-nationalism; identity politics
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Description The Identitarian movement, a radical-right movement active in a number of European countries, desires to unite European nationalists in international action. Nevertheless, the theory claims that the latter ideology is based on nativism. This might create internal ideological conflict between nativism versus transnationalism. The article offers a qualitative analysis of how the movement solves the issue of identity framing on the transnational level. This is a question of how the ethno-nationalist message is transformed to the transnational level, and how national needs are translated into transnational ones. The findings show that the Identitarian movement constructs a two-fold identity – a national one and a European one; and operates with three types of identity framing, thereby building a complex picture of a common past, present, and future. All three frames always act to maintain a balance between both identities, and always work with the language of civilization. Such framing, then, might lead to the successful mobilization of international resources and turn ideas into action.
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