Frekvenční průzkumy v dálkové železniční dopravě - zpráva k 3. etapě

Title in English Frequency surveys in long-distance rail transport - report for the 3rd stage


Year of publication 2021
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

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Description The summary research report was prepared as an output of contract research, which was carried out between the Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University and the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic. The subject and aim of the research was to identify the number of passengers in selected train connections, the number of departing and boarding persons in selected stations, the number of passengers in 1st class between individual stations, the number of passengers with bicycles and the number of seats. Data collection, analysis and summarization were performed during elaboration of the summary research report. The summary research report contains results of the survey carried out within the 3rd stage, which took place in the winter of 2021.
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