The Rise of Populists and Decline of Others : Explanation of Changes in Party Support in the Czech Republic

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VODA Petr HAVLÍK Vlastimil

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Problems of Post-Communism
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Keywords time-series analysis; populism; political parties; public opinion; Czech Republic
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Description The paper analyzes long-term effects of changes in external conditions on the support for populist parties in the Czech Republic. The results confirmed importance of political dissatisfaction for the rise of populist parties but are limited by the presence of other protest parties. While the evidence of the effects of the economic context is mixed, results of our analysis indicate the importance of time and of election campaigns in particular. All in all, our results point to the importance of the campaign dynamics, the party system setting, and incumbency in assessing support for populist parties in Central Europe and elsewhere.
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