Connectivism in phenomenological-pragmatist tradition


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ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source e-Pedagogium
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Phenomenology; technology in education; connectivism; pragmatism; MOOC
Description The theoretical study aims to analyse the theory of connectivity which George Siemens came up within 2004 and which became a basic impulse for the development of online education in the form of MOOC. Siemens itself refers in its article to the traditions of constructivism, network theory or chaos theory. Other studies about connectivity continue in this line. However, the study draws attention to the fact that the approach has distinct phenomenological – pragmatist roots, which allow it to be interpreted in a new and more profound way and perhaps even to develop based on a deeper foundation than that offered by Siemens’ grasp.

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