A New Variant of Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Informatics. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop (SPARK)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web https://icaps20subpages.icaps-conference.org/workshops/spark/
Keywords Dynamic vehicle routing; meta-heuristics; search; logistics
Description Motivated by the challenges faced by a logistics company, we present a new variant of the dynamic capacitated pickup and delivery problem with time windows (PDPTW) where excessive changes of unaffected routes are undesirable. In real-life scenarios, different dynamism sources such as canceled requests, change of demands, change of pickup, or delivery time windows often disrupt the existing planning of routes. The static PDPTW is solved with the current information about the problem well before executing the routes, such as the previous night. We present an algorithmic idea of a dynamic solver quickly addressing changes that occur due to the dynamism while avoiding excessive modifications to the previous solution. Since the company has not yet the dynamic data, new dynamic instances are generated from the existing static PDPTW instances in the literature. Preliminary results demonstrate that we can quickly incorporate the required changes. Future perspectives of this ongoing work are discussed in the end.
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