Autonomy and performance of local museums: the case of Czech Republic

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PLAČEK Michal OCHRANA František PŮČEK Milan Jan NEMEC Juraj KŘÁPEK Milan DEL CAMPO Cristina

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Museum Management and Curatorship
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords Autonomy; local museums; effiency; Czech Republic; perfomance
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Description This paper deals with the analysis of the impact of the autonomy of museums founded by municipalities in the Czech Republic on selected performance areas. On a sample of 180 museums founded by municipalities, comparisons were conducted for the period 2010–2016 on the performance of museums which are autonomous entities and museums that are part of the municipal authority. For the areas of performance, there was a focus on expositions, exhibitions, attendance, publications, and technical efficiency. Data shows that autonomous museums achieve better results in most of the examined areas, confirming the theory of the positive association of autonomy on performance in the very specific environment of local museums which had not been examined in detail before.
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