Comparing Effectiveness of Display Ads and Influencer Marketing on Pinterest



Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference of Business Economics Management and Marketing 2019
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

web Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference of Business Economics Management and Marketing 2019
Keywords influencer marketing pinterest display ads e-commerce dropshipping
Description Social media is becoming an integral part of our everyday business life. Individuals are spending hours on social media, either through their smartphones or computers. The goal of this research paper is to investigate and analyse the social media marketing tactics focused on the Pinterest platform in the context of a real e-commerce website. A so-called split test will be performed between influencer marketing and display ads and respective results in the form of metrics and sales will be presented. The results indicated that influencer marketing is significantly more effective marketing channel in comparison to various types of display ads on Pinterest. Main limitations of this study are that Pinterest is a relatively new marketing channel implying that not much of the research has been performed so far – leading to very vague theoretical foundations of the concept. Secondly, while identifying the characteristics of influencer marketing, the focus has been on influencers working in the niche of fashion and lifestyle, which naturally does not show the whole scope of influencer marketing on Pinterest. Promising venue for the future studies is the eventual test the integration of influencer marketing and display ads, contrary to this study.
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