Situacionnye rolevye igry kak metod testirovanija formirovanija sociolingvističeskoj kompetencii v obučenii russkomu jazyku


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Title in English Situational Role-Playing as a Method for Testing the Development of Sociolinguistic Competence in the Russian Language Teaching


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Pražská rusistika - Prague Russian Studies - recenzovaný sborník příspěvků z konference konané dne 29. května 2019 v Praze
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords situational role-playing; politeness expressions; sociolinguistic competention; didactics of foreign languages; teaching of Russian language
Description In foreign language teaching role-playing is often used as way to consolidate thematic vocabulary in the process of forming speech skills, in particular speaking. However, role-playing games can be also used to test students' knowledge and skills. They can also be a tool for data collection in academic studies. This article presents the specific results of the study, the purpose of which was to determine the ability of students to use phrases of politeness in certain communicative situations.
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