Chosen Ambiguities of ICT-Related Learning in Youth

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Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In the Czech Republic, as well as in other developed counties across Europe, ICT has been one of the priorities of the Czech educational policy during the past decades; the assumption of keeping up with the ICT-related developments in the school classroom as well as the efforts to use the ICT in learning-related situations have been the main reasons for these policies to occur. At the same time, the Czech pupils score above-average in ICT-related learning area, and a link between the ICT usage and school performance of the students has been proven . Nevertheless, qualitative studies conducted by the team bring forward evidence for a rather ambiguous treatment of ICT in both the school and the family environments. PC classrooms closed during breaks; Wi-Fi at school password-protected to prevent students from using it; school rules banning cell-phone usage for any purpose during school hours; these are only some of the examples of school-related strategies which are directly opposing the official Czech ICT-related educational policy. The abovementioned ambiguities are discussed, and their potential outcomes described in the submitted study. Given the vital implications of such ambiguities, avenues are open to conduct similar studies also in other European countries, in order to support ICT-related learning and remove obstacles the young people may face in this respect.
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