The Tremendous Power of the Negative: Hegelian Heritage in German, French, British and American Philosophical Traditions


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PUSHPAKUMARA Mihirigama Dewage Saman

Year of publication 2019
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This book represents a selection of some of the most prominent Hegelian and anti-Hegelian philosophers of the 19th and 20th century, which starts with Hegel himself and then proceeds historically from Feuerbach and Marx via Adorno and Heidegger to the French metaphysical tradition, to British Idealism and via Russell’s and Moore’s analytic philosophy to the current American post-analytic and neo-pragmatic philosophical tradition. While each of the seven chapters is complete in itself in the sense that it represents one facet of a much larger whole, it simultaneously forms a constituent part of it for a more complete understanding of, arguably, the most central issue of the whole Hegelian tradition which is Hegel’s meta-concept of absolute negativity as the self-generative principle.
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