Do government subsidies to NPOs reduce private philanthropy?

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Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Citation HLADKÁ, Marie. Do government subsidies to NPOs reduce private philanthropy? In Philanthropy in the Spotlight? Resources, Reputation and Achievements. 9th International Research Conference of the European Research Network On Philanthropy, University of Basel, Switzerland. 2019.
Description Government subsidies to the non-profit sector are a significant source of income for non-profit organisations. One significant impact of these subsidies is on the changing scope of private giving. The objective of this paper is to use a regression model to test whether government funding in the Czech Republic encourages private gifts and large amounts of government funding discourages gifts. However, rather than focusing on aggregate data sources, this study examines how these impacts vary among regions and sub-sectors. These models help explain why studies conducted in the past frequently differed and were inconsistent in their findings.
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