Mediace jako metoda sociální práce, nebo samostatný vzor jednání?


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Mediation as a Method of Social Work or Unique Behavioral Pattern?


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální práce - Sociálna práca
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords mediation; identity; mediation style; the method of social work; profession; the mediation act
Attached files
Description OBJECTIVES: Authors follow up the issue of mediation and social work relationship, they specifically ask, what is the place of mediation in social work. THEORETICAL BASES: The issue is considered from mediation theoretical background point of view and historical perspective of mediation application in CZ, specifically in social work. The underlying conception is professional identity. METHODS: The research objectives are achieved through document analysis of academic texts about mediation, legislative texts adjusting the execution of mediation in CZ and the texts referring about using mediation in social work and other fields praxis. OUTCOMES: It was necessary to distinguish particular mediation styles, because the authors writing about mediation often interchange mediation as facilitative mediating style. Mediation has been historically evolved especially within the social work profession framework in the Czech Republic and can be seen as a separate model of proceeding (especially evaluative and partly facilitative mediation) even as a specific method of social work (facilitative, transformative and narrative mediation). SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: There is an uncertainty in social work about social workers competencies to apply mediation, therefore its potential to help clients is not fully utilized. The way-out could be completing a further education in mediation, so the trained social worker – the mediator – would practice mediation to support a wider range of interactions.
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