Co se má dělat a co se dělá pro prevenci dětské obezity

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Title in English What to do and what is done to prevent childhood obesity

FIALA Jindřich KOTALOVÁ Lucie KAŇOVÁ Pavlína

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Výživa a potraviny
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords child overweight; child obesity; obesity prevention; action plan; intervention; strategy
Description The aim is to summarize current strategies and action plans for the prevention of childhood obesity. They are based on policy recommendations and goals to create an anti-obesogenic environment, supporting behaviour that prevents childhood obesity. We describe the EU action plan for childhood obesity 2014-2020, the AP2b Action Plan - Obesity Prevention under the National Health 2020 Strategy, and the WHO Ending childhood obesity document. In the first two, we also deal with mid-term evaluations. Unlike the others, the Czech plan is not specifically focused on childhood obesity, and its practical implementation is shifted to other Health 2020 plans. Overall, however, there is good agreement and the above-mentioned documents cover practically all the action areas important to stop the growth of childhood obesity.
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