Support to professionalisation and quality of state civil service and state administration
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2019 |
Type | Research report |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Description | This case study was produced during the project ‘Progress Assessment of the ESF Support to Public Administration - PAPA’, that was contracted by DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission. The purpose of this project is to present specific cases of ESF-funded PAR and capacity building initiatives, as well as to show the role of ESF financial support to public administration for accountability purposes. This report provides a story on the project ‘Support to professionalisation and quality of state civil service and state administration’, which discusses its context and purpose; characteristics of the team implementing it; main challenges faced and difficulties encountered during implementation; key developments during the implementation process; results and impacts achieved; as well as lessons learnt and the contribution of ESF. |