An instance-based scoring system for indoor landmark salience evaluation

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ZHU Litao ŠVEDOVÁ Hana SHEN Jie STACHOŇ Zdeněk SHI Jiafeng SNOPKOVÁ Dajana LI Xiao

Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geografie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

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Keywords indoor landmark; landmark salience; scoring system; analytic hierarchy process; eye-tracking
Description Navigation in a complex indoor environment can be difficult, and pedestrians may find themselves disoriented. As the featured objects of an environment, indoor landmarks play an important role in navigation. A review of the existing literature in outdoor landmark evaluation methods, however, shows that they cannot be fully applicable in any indoor environment. In this paper, an instance-based scoring system is proposed for analyzing the indicators that influence the salience of spatial objects from visual, semantic and structural aspects. An Analytic Hierarchy Process was applied to calculate landmark weights using these indicators. Two types of indoor scenes were employed as instances to verify the validity of this method, the Dongchenghui shopping mall (Nanjing, China) using a subjective questionnaire and interview method, and the headquarters of Masaryk University (Brno, Czechia) using an objective eyetracking method. Be result of the two instances showed that the proposed method was feasible.
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