Apel na sobeckost nebo na rozumnost? Případová analýza s využitím Toulminova modelu argumentu

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Title in English Appeal to selfishness or reasonableness? Case analyses using Toulmin’s model of argument


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Filozofie dnes
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

web https://filosofiednes.ff.uhk.cz/index.php/hen/article/view/276/232
Keywords Toulmin Model of Argument; Argument; logical types; Přemluv bábu
Description The paper deals with Toulmin’s approach to an argument. The primary goal is to present this approach and to show its application on selected material. The key question is: What is interesting in Toulmin’s approach today and what it can show when investigating arguments. There are two simple steps to accomplish the goals of this paper and to give an answer to the key question. In the first step, Toulmin’s theory is discussed, especially regarding The Uses of Argument. In the second step, Toulmin’s approach is applied to the selected material, Přemluv bábu (Convince your grandma, 2010). Attention is paid to the model of argumentation, domain dependence, logical types and types of argument. In conclusion, it is shown that Toulmin is still debated and theoretically exciting and that its application to the selected material can provide useful guidance for the evaluation, although regarding formal tools, this assessment may not be exact.
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